Memory and Our Social Selves

When people share a memory task and fill in the gaps of each other’s recall, this is known as ________.

In studies on collaborative memory, researchers compare the total number of items group members recall when tested individually (called ___________) to the total number of items group members recall when tested in a group (called _________).

A(n) _______ refers to a collection of people who you identify with and a(n) _______ is a collection of people who you do not identify with.

We tend to like people who live close to us and who we encounter more frequently. This is called the ___________.

The ____________ is the result where participants recall fewer items from a list when they are given part of that list to serve as retrieval cues.

____________ occurs when a person’s recall of an event is affected by who the listener is.

________ is a phenomenon where members of a group will not discuss something because no one else in the group mentions it.

Inaccurate conversations about an incident that has occurred (also known as _________) may alter the memory of that incident. This is called the ________.

Canadians have _________ of the heavy snows during the winter of 2015 but more generally, harsh winters are a part of the Canadian identity so would be considered _________.

The memories that are related to a story but not retrieved as part of the conversation are called __________.

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