Chapter 13 Guidance on answering the pop quizzes

Chapter 13 Guidance on answering the pop quizzes


The Parliamentary Ombudsman and Parliament

Page 491: Since it is impossible to investigate maladministration without criticizing government policy, does the work of the Parliamentary Ombudsman clash with the political responsibility of the House of Commons?

  • The Ombudsman is meant to enhance Parliament’s scrutiny of the executive, rather than to clash with it. The ways in which the Government conducts administration are of course matters of policy for which it is accountable to Members of Parliament; the fact that the Ombudsman can investigate the conduct of administration does not conflict with their role.
  • The Ombudsman would be clashing with the role of the House of Commons if she went outside her remit to pass judgments on questions of policy that do not involve maladministration.
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