Chapter 11 Web links
This site entitled Brand New Worlds is run by Professor Robert Kozinets a leading scholar on Marketing Research, Social Media, and Marketing Strategy. This site provides detail on a range of different branding issues. Examples include a discussion of the introduction to the Canadian market of low involvement retailer brands like Target and Wal-Mart through to commentary on the new Star Trek movie. This site also provides useful insight into marketing academia in the USA.
This site provides useful audio and article links on branding strategy for ‘boring brands’.
This URL links directly to an interesting article on brand stretching published on brandingstrategyinsider.com
This blog provides some intriguing articles regarding the steps a small business can take in order to reach their customers with a specific focus on online presence.
This URL leads you to an article that discusses consumer decision-making with low-involvement brands and how technology companies can avoid becoming a low-involvement brand.
This URL provides some good examples of successful brand extensions. Some of the brands include IKEA, Oprah, Virgin, and Coke.
Brand Extension Research company is run by a former Cornell Professor, Dr. Edward M. Tauber. It operates as a strategic consultancy firm providing a wealth of information on extending brands to reach potential customers. The website also offers some very useful insights into brand extension, including definitions, benefits, risks and principles of brand extensions.
This URL takes you to a very good article discussing brand stretching and extensions, providing a range of examples for each. Additionally, the website itself (http://www.brandingmagazine.com/) offers many articles around branding strategy, executions, and ideas.
This URL links to an article posted on Brand Quarterly about how to engage customers in ‘boring’ brands. The site itself (http://www.brandquarterly.com) contains many other articles concerning the creation of customer experience.
This article provides case studies of quotidian brands that have successfully engaged with consumers through social media.
This URL takes you directly to an article on the brandmatters site which details brand expansion. The site also provides a number of guides for brand management and brand building.