Chapter 21 Self-test questions

Freedom of assembly

Quiz Content

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Which of the following actions are, in principle, protected under Article 11 ECHR? Select all that apply.

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The European Court of Human Rights has held that Article 11 only imposes a negative obligation not to prohibit protests.

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The state is not under an absolute obligation to facilitate protests. This means that, in certain circumstances, it may be lawful for the authorities to close down such a protest if it is provoking, or seems likely to provoke, others into a _______ response.

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Which of the following are likely to be taken into account when examining whether the shutting down of a public protest is justified? Select all that apply.

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Mindful of the requirements of the ECHR, domestic courts have taken a particularly robust approach to the 'reasonableness' defence in the Public Order Act 1986.

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The Crime and Courts Act 2013 amended section 5 of the Public Order Act, widening the scope of criminal liability for protestors.

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Which of the following statements provides an accurate account of the provisions of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and why may this cause problems for those involved in protest?

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Which of the following are conditions arising from the definition of public assembly in section 16 of the Public Order Act 1986? Select all that apply.

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Section 14 of the Public Order Act 1986 is complimented by sections 14A-C, which grant the police and other authorities stronger, more coercive powers over protests. Which of the following statements are true in relation to the s14A-C powers compared to the section 14 powers? Select all that apply.

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The case of DPP v Jones concerned the extent to which an individual has the right to use the highway. In that case, a 14A order was in place and protestors were arrested for taking part in a prohibited trespassory assembly. What did Lord Irvine conclude?

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Statutory provisions, firstly in the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005, and then the Police Reform Act 2011, limit the power to protest and demonstrate near which area?

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What does the Public Order Act say about public processions?

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According to its modern legal definition in cases like R v Howell, which of the following does not constitute a breach of the peace?

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According to Laporte, the police can exercise their common law powers to prevent a breach of the peace only when the anticipated breach of the peace is imminent.

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Breaching the peace is a criminal action.

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Why did the House of Lords in Austin hold that many hours of 'kettling' in Oxford Circus did not breach Article 5 ECHR?

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The House of Lords' decision in Austin was conclusively discredited by the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights.

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