From Paul’s Female Colleagues to the Pastor’s Intimidated Women: The Oppression of Women in Early Christianity

Quiz Content

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. The epistle of James argues against Paul's view of justification.

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. Paul and Jesus each taught the love of one's neighbor as the means of fulfilling the Law.

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. In the Acts of Paul and Thecla, Paul teaches that married people should grant one another conjugal rights.

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. Paul wrote to the Corinthians that the only thing that mattered to him was:

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. Which of the following books seems to stand as a correction to a misunderstanding of Paul's teaching on justification by faith?

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. The book of James says that people are:

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. In the Acts of Paul, Paul's central message is:

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. According to both Jesus and Paul, how can the Law be summed up?

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. Did Paul teach that total sexual abstinence was necessary?

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. Who were the "twelve tribes in the Dispersion" in the book of James?

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. What does James mean when he says that those who fail to do good works, or deeds, have a faith that is "dead"?

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. Why did the Gnostics claim Paul as their ultimate authority?

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. Which book shows that some may have interpreted Paul as meaning that good works don't matter?

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