Does the Tradition Miscarry? Paul in Relation to Jesus, James, Thecla, and Theudas

Quiz Content

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. The New Testament epistles are arranged by length.

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. Paul says the Law is impossible to keep.

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. Paul admits the superapostles could perform miracles.

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. The Corinthian community was made up of:

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. The Christians in Corinth appear to have believed that:

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. Paul taught the Corinthians that the resurrected body:

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. According to Paul, one problem with misunderstanding the resurrection is:

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. The "superapostles" did all of the following except:

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. Paul wrote at least __________ letters to Corinth.

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. The primary reason Paul wrote to the Galatians was:

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. Galatians is unique among the undisputed Pauline letters because:

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. One way Paul argued against his Galatian opponents was:

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. Onesimus was:

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