Mercury has a molar mass of 200.6 g mol–1 and a density of 13.6 g cm–3 when liquid. Calculate the change in the molar Gibbs energy of liquid mercury when the pressure increases by 10.0 bar.
The standard molar entropy of but-1-ene, C4H8, is 307 J K–1 mol–1. What is the change in the molar Gibbs energy of but-1-ene when it is heated from 293 K to 303 K?
Calculate the change in the molar Gibbs energy of a perfect gas when it is compressed isothermally at a temperature of 298 K from a pressure of 1 MPa to 5 MPa./p>
The vapour pressure p of liquid sulfur trioxide, SO3, may be calculated for different temperatures T using the expression
where, for the temperature range 24 to 48 °C, A = 9.147 and B = 1771 K. What is the vapour pressure of liquid sulfur trioxide at 32 °C?
The vapour pressure of toluene is 6.811 kPa at 310 K and 24.15 kPa at 340 K. Assuming that the variation of the vapour pressure p with temperature T may be described by the expression
What are the values of A and B?
The vapour pressure of liquid carbon disulfide, CS2, is 23.5 kPa at 280 K and 51.3 kPa at 300 K. Calculate the enthalpy of vaporization of carbon disulfide at 290 K.
The standard enthalpy of vaporization of water, H2O, DvapHʅ = 40.7 kJ mol–1 at 373 K. Assuming this value to remain constant at temperatures close to 373 K, use the Clausius–Clapeyron equation to estimate the vapour pressure of liquid water at 80 °C.
The triple point of acetylene, C2H2, lies at a temperature of 192.4 K and pressure of 128 kPa. Assuming that the enthalpy of vaporization of acetylene, DvapH = 31.3 kJ mol–1, is invariant with temperature, calculate the normal boiling temperature.
On a pressure–temperature phase diagram, the conditions under which a one-component system exists as two phases in equilibrium corresponds to:
The partial molar volumes of water, H2O, and methanol, CH3OH, are 17.8 cm3 mol–1 and 38.4 cm3 mol–1 respectively at 25.0 °C for dilute mixtures of methanol in water. Calculate the total volume when 15 cm3 of methanol is added to 250 cm3 of water at this temperature. The density of methanol is 0.791 g cm–3.
Calculate the change in the chemical potential of a perfect gas when it expands isothermally at a temperature of 20.0 °C so that its volume doubles.
Which of the following statements is always true for a liquid mixture of two components A and B in equilibrium with a mixture of their vapours?
Calculate the entropy change when 2.0 mol of a perfect gas A and 3.0 mol of a perfect gas B mix spontaneously.
A solution is prepared by dissolving 5.32 g of benzene, C6H6, in 93.2 g of toluene, C6H5CH3, at 25 °C. The vapour pressures of pure benzene and pure toluene are 12.7 kPa and 3.8 kPa at this temperature. Use Raoult's law to determine the partial vapour pressure of each of the two components for the mixture.
The vapour pressure of bromobenzene, C6H5Br, above an ideal–dilute aqueous solution of molality 0.092 mol dm–3 is 23.6 kPa. Calculate the Henry's law constant of bromobenzene.
Which of the following statements is true for an ideal–dilute solution?
Calculate the minimum partial pressure of nitrogen that is necessary to achieve an aqueous ideal–dilute solution of concentration 1.00 mmol dm–3. The Henry's law constant for nitrogen in water is 6.48 × 10-3 mol m–3 kPa-1.
Calculate the change in the normal boiling temperature of an aqueous solution made by dissolving 15.0 g of bromobenzene, C6H5Br, in 250 cm3 of water. The ebullioscopic constant of water is 0.51 K kg mol–1.
Calculate the osmotic pressure exerted by an aqueous solution of sucrose, C12H22O11, of mass concentration 6.51 g dm–3 at 20 °C. The osmotic virial coefficient for dilute aqueous solutions of sucrose at this temperature is 0.382 dm3 mol–1.
Phenol and water form non-ideal liquid mixtures. When 7.32 g of phenol and 7.95 g of water are mixed together at 60 °C, two immiscible liquid phases are formed with mole fractions of phenol of xP' = 0.042 and xP"=0.161. Use the lever rule to determine the relative amounts of the two phases.
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