Discovering Human Sexuality 4e Chapter 9 Learning Objectives

1. Outline the early history of the birth control movement, with specific emphasis on the work of Margaret Sanger.

Textbook Reference: Birth Control Has a Long History

2. Review the various considerations that influence people’s choices about birth control, and outline usage and failure rates of the most commonly used contraceptive methods.

Textbook Reference: Birth Control Has a Long History

3. Describe the various barrier methods of contraception, noting their proper use, advantages, and drawbacks.

Textbook Reference: Physical Methods Block Sperm Transport

4. Describe the variety of hormone-based oral contraceptives, and discuss their reliability, their relative advantages and disadvantages, and the factors that influence an individual’s choice of oral contraceptive.

Textbook Reference: Hormone-Based Methods Are Easy to Use

5. Describe the variety of hormone-based non-oral contraceptives, and discuss their reliability, advantages, and disadvantages.

Textbook Reference: Hormones Can Be Administered by Non-Oral Routes

6. Describe the types of birth control that rely on fertility awareness methods, and discuss their reliability, convenience, advantages, and disadvantages.

Textbook Reference: Behavioral Methods Can Be Demanding

7. Describe, from most reliable to least reliable, the contraceptive options that are available after unprotected coitus.

Textbook Reference: There Are Contraceptive Options after Unprotected Coitus

8. Describe the procedures of surgical sterilization for men and women, considering their relative advantages and disadvantages.

Textbook Reference: Sterilization Is Highly Reliable

9. Describe factors that result in a lack of access to contraception around the world, including specific barriers within the United States.

Textbook Reference: Lack of Access to Contraception Is a Global Problem

10. Provide an overview of specific abortion procedures and the factors that influence the choice of one over another.

Textbook Reference: Several Safe Abortion Procedures Are Available

11. Provide an analysis of the controversy that surrounds abortion, including various positions on the topic and the public policy decisions that have come about as a result.

Textbook Reference: Americans Are Divided on Abortion, but Most Favor Restricted Availability

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