Discovering Human Sexuality 4e Chapter 8 Learning Objectives

1. Describe the characteristics of early pregnancy, and explain the mechanism by which the implanted conceptus signals its presence to the mother. Identify how this signal is used in commercial tests of pregnancy.

Textbook Reference: The Fertilization of an Ovum Is Followed by Implantation; Pregnancy Is Confirmed by Hormonal Tests

2. Survey the types of fertility challenges that stem from defective gametes and ovulation problems, and comment on the impact of age on male and female fertility.

Textbook Reference: Infertility Can Result from a Problem in the Woman or in the Man

3. Detail some of the methods that are being used to help subfertile and infertile couples have babies, and discuss issues pertaining to the source and ownership of gametes in these procedures.

Textbook Reference: Infertility Can Result from a Problem in the Woman or in the Man

4. Review the major threats to the survival of every embryo.

Textbook Reference: Many Embryos Do Not Survive

5. Review the major events of the first trimester of pregnancy from the perspective of the fetus and also that of the mother. Identify and describe major threats to the well-being of the fetus during this period.

Textbook Reference: The First Trimester Is a Period of Major Changes

6. Review the major events of the second trimester of pregnancy from the perspective of the fetus and also that of the mother. Describe diagnostic tests used to check the development of the fetus.

Textbook Reference: The Second Trimester Is the Easiest

7. Review the major events of the third trimester of pregnancy from the perspective of the fetus and also that of the mother. Discuss the decisions and preparations that the parents-to-be should make at this time.

Textbook Reference: The Third Trimester Is a Time of Preparation

8. Review the major events of labor, including the initiating signals and preparation of the fetus, effacement, dilation, and parturition. Discuss the anesthetic option of epidural anesthesia, along with some of the risks associated with a preterm and delayed birth.

Textbook Reference: Labor Has Three Stages

9. Discuss the postpartum period from the following perspectives: physical recovery, depression, interpersonal relationships, and sexuality.

Textbook Reference: The Period after Birth Places Many Demands on Parents

10. Discuss the biological mechanism that triggers lactation, the changing content of breast milk, and the advantages and drawbacks of breast-feeding.

Textbook Reference: Breast-Feeding Is the Preferred Method of Nourishing the Infant

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