Discovering Human Sexuality 4e Chapter 6 Learning Objectives

1. Describe the prevalence and types of sexual expression reported by the NSSHB study, and comment on the rank of “making love” on the happiness scale.

Textbook Reference: People Derive Pleasure from Diverse Sexual Behaviors

2. Contrast historical perceptions of masturbation with current attitudes, and explain the relationship between demographic factors and masturbation in the United States.

Textbook Reference: Masturbation Is a Very Common Form of Sexual Expression

3. Outline differences in masturbation frequency and techniques for heterosexual men and women and for heterosexual and homosexual individuals.

Textbook Reference: Masturbation Is a Very Common Form of Sexual Expression

4. Define noncoital sexual behaviors, from kissing to heavy petting, and describe how each relates to foreplay, coitus, and afterplay.

Textbook Reference: The Kiss Represents True Love—Sometimes; Sexual Touching Takes Many Forms

5. Describe the different forms of oral sex and comment on the demographic factors related to its prevalence.

Textbook Reference: Oral Sex Is Increasingly Popular

6. Provide an overview of coitus: its importance and variety in human sexuality, as well as some of the advantages and biomechanics of different coital positions.

Textbook Reference: Most Male-Female Sex Includes Coitus

7. Compare and contrast the differing objectives men and women have in their sexual encounters.

Textbook Reference: Men and Women May Have Different Preferences for Sexual Encounters

8. Identify the main categories of sex toys, including a description of their most common uses.

Textbook Reference: Sex Toys Are Used to Enhance Sexual Pleasure

9. Summarize different forms of group sex and comment on its practice among nonhuman animals.

Textbook Reference: Sex May Be in Groups

10. Describe cross-cultural differences in sexual attitudes and practices.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Behavior and Attitudes Vary Across Cultures

11. Review the impact of both physical and intellectual disability on sexual expression, and identify possible solutions to the challenges presented by physical and intellectual disabilities.

Textbook Reference: Many Disabled People Have Active Sex Lives

12. Identify changes in the frequency of partnered sex over time and provide possible explanations for these changes.

Textbook Reference: People Are Having Less Partnered Sex

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