Discovering Human Sexuality 4e Chapter 5 Learning Objectives

1. Discuss facial features associated with judgments of facial attractiveness, noting their physiological and evolutionary underpinnings.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Attraction: It Takes Two

2. Review physical attributes that influence judgments about the attractiveness of male and female bodies, noting their physiological and evolutionary underpinnings.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Attraction: It Takes Two

3. Outline non-visual cues used to evaluate attractiveness in men and women, including scent, sound, behavior, and personality.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Attraction: It Takes Two

4. Review the effects of familiarity and the menstrual cycle on perceived attractiveness.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Attraction: It Takes Two

5. Describe asexuality and identify ways in which being asexual influences a person’s life.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Attraction: It Takes Two

6. Summarize similarities and differences between men and women in the content of sexual fantasies. Explain when fantasies are likely to occur, and identify research-supported connections between sexual behavior and sexual attitudes.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Arousal Has Multiple Roots

7. Explain the role hormones play in sexual arousal for men and women, and present supporting evidence.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Arousal Has Multiple Roots

8. Discuss the excitement and plateau phases of sexual arousal in men and women, including changes that occur in the genitals and elsewhere.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Arousal Follows a Response Cycle

9. Describe the orgasm and resolution phases of sexual arousal in men and women, including changes that occur in the genitals and elsewhere. Explain male and female differences in the ability to have multiple orgasms and in the length of the refractory period.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Arousal Follows a Response Cycle

10. Explain the debate about female orgasm, including discussion of different types of orgasm and female ejaculation.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Arousal Follows a Response Cycle

11. Explain why understanding women’s experience of desire and arousal requires placing the Masters and Johnson sexual response cycle within a broader psychological context.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Arousal Follows a Response Cycle

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