Discovering Human Sexuality 4e Chapter 13 Learning Objectives

1. Review the broad range of fetishisms and provide examples of each.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Variety Is the Spice of Life

2. Discuss the phenomenon of cross-dressing and characterize cross-dressers, from those who do it to fulfil a need to those who practice it for other reasons.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Variety Is the Spice of Life

3. Review the phenomenon of sadomasochism, including the types of people who engage in the practice, their motivations, the issues related to consent, and any risks associated with this type of sexual behavior.

Textbook Reference: Sexual Variety Is the Spice of Life

4. Survey the spectrum of the paraphilic disorders. Specifically address exhibitionism, voyeurism, frotteurism, zoophilia, and necrophilia. Discuss how paraphilic disorders are different from “kink” and paraphilias in general.

Textbook Reference: Paraphilic Disorders Cause Distress or Harm Others; A Variety of Other Paraphilic Disorders Exist

5. Review the manifestations of adult sexual fixation on children (both pedophilia and child molestation), and outline its prevalence, primary symptoms, and the supports available for “minor-attracted” people.

Textbook Reference: Some Adults Are Sexually Attracted to Children

6. Provide a psychological profile of a convicted sex offender; include a discussion of the recidivism rates among different types of offenders.

Textbook Reference: Sex Offenders Do Not Necessarily Repeat Their Offenses

7. Describe the major theories that have been proposed to account for the development of paraphilic disorders, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each.

Textbook Reference: There Are Numerous Theories of Paraphilic Disorders

8. Compare and contrast the various psychological interventions that have been advanced for treating paraphilic disorders, and comment on the efficacy of each.

Textbook Reference: Theories of Causation Have Suggested a Variety of Treatments

9. Discuss drug and surgical interventions that have been advanced for treating paraphilic disorders, and comment on their effectiveness.

Textbook Reference: Theories of Causation Have Suggested a Variety of Treatments

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