Discovering Human Sexuality 4e Chapter 10 Learning Objectives

1. Discuss sexual behaviors typical in children and the approximate ages at which they emerge. Describe the influence of caregivers on these behaviors across various cultures.

Textbook Reference: Some Forms of Childhood Sexual Expression Are Common

2. Outline the key requirements necessary for caregivers to talk frankly and openly to children about sex.

Textbook Reference: Some Forms of Childhood Sexual Expression Are Common

3. Review the types and prevalence of the various forms of adult–child sexual contact and the incidence of harm to the child that can result.

Textbook Reference: Some Children Have Sexual Contacts with Adults

4. Discuss the phenomenon of false memory and the conditions that favor the inculcation of false memories.

Textbook Reference: Some Children Have Sexual Contacts with Adults

5. Describe some effective measures for preventing the occurrence of adult–child sex.

Textbook Reference: Some Children Have Sexual Contacts with Adults

6. Describe the sexual behavior exhibited by preadolescent children, including the influence of gender norms.

Textbook Reference: Preadolescence May Be Marked by an Increase in Sexual Interest

7. Explain the mechanism that is believed to trigger the onset of puberty in girls, and describe the physical changes that happen to girls as they transition through puberty.

Textbook Reference: Puberty Is a Period of Rapid Maturation

8. Describe the physical changes that happen to boys as they transition through puberty.

Textbook Reference: Puberty Is a Period of Rapid Maturation

9. Describe the primary sexual developments of adolescence and their relationship to sex differences, cultural differences, social media, and types of sexual expression.

Textbook Reference: Adolescence Is a Time of Sexual Exploration

10. Discuss the changes in age of first intercourse that have come about in the past 60 years, and outline the types and frequency of non-coital sex engaged in by today’s teenagers.

Textbook Reference: Adolescence Is a Time of Sexual Exploration

11. Discuss, with examples, the relevance of sexuality and sexual relationships to teen identity development.

Textbook Reference: Teen Sexuality Is Central to Identity Development

12. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of teenage parenthood for both young women and young men.

Textbook Reference: Teen Sexuality Is Central to Identity Development

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