Chapter 7

1. Think about the sorts of paths that could lead to the formation of an authoritarian regime. There are cases of “authoritarian persistence” (including some in which one type of authoritarian regime replaces another), but also of “democratic breakdown.” Now think about competitive-authoritarian and hybrid regimes. Are the paths that lead to them likely to be similar or distinct from the paths that lead to fully authoritarian regimes? Why or why not? Be sure to draw on the theories from the chapter in constructing your answer.

2. Is it possible for a regime to be both authoritarian and democratic? If so, in what sense could this be true, and what might be the limitations of this claim. If not why not? Why would a polity with some democratic and some authoritarian features not qualify as falling into both categories?

3. Consider the implications of each of the theories of authoritarianism discussed in this chapter for policy. What does he suggest we should do if we wish to reduce the number of authoritarian regimes?

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