The web activities presented here are not exhaustive on the topics. They are meant to help you become more information literate and accustom you to reading scholarship and reports. Please ask your professor for assistance if you don’t understand. Learning is a process. We don’t expect you to become an expert in just one semester. Do always cite your sources when completing these activities.

Chapter 6: Democracy and democratization

a)    Look at the Freedom House “Freedom in the World” map (, and choose a developing country. You can enter that country’s name into the search box and it will load reports onto the page.  Do some research into this country’s experience with democracy. Has this country been a democracy for a long period of time? What accounts for that? Or has it only been a democracy for a short period of time? What accounts for that?  

b.) Look at the Freedom House “Freedom in the World” map (, and find two countries that are located near one another, yet have very different levels of democracy. Do some research into these two countries’ experiences with democracy using the website. What variables might account for why the level of democracy differs from one country to another? Do these cases challenge or support the idea that culture shapes development?

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