Chapter 3

  1. Consider any two theories of state formation. Try to develop a hybrid theory that would bring together key aspects of the two theories. How does your theory do more than just list multiple factors that “matter” for state formation? Specify how your theory might be tested against actual country cases.
  2. Modern states are bureaucratic (by definition).  As discussed in the chapter, it seems paradoxical that (a) modern states are far more efficient than other, more personalist, forms of politics and (b) bureaucracies often seem very inefficient to those involved in them.  Explore and try to explain this seeming paradox.
  3. Modern states can have their authority challenged by processes of globalization and transnational practices that individual states can’t control (see also chapter 16). Does this mean we are likely to see more “state failure” in the future? Why do you say this, and how does it reflect your understanding of the concept of state failure? To the extent you expect states will decline in power and authority, is this outcome desirable or not, and why do you say this?
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