Chapter 15

  1. Some would argue that denoninationalism is more like societies characterized by laïcité, and others that denominationalism is more similar to “religious states.” Which of these views is more plausible, and why?

  2. Would it be possible to construct a “new ideology” comparable to socialism, fascism, or liberalism? Or are we essentially stuck with the ideologies we have already got? Be sure to defend your answer with argument, drawing on discussions of these ideologies from the chapter.

  3. In this chapter you read several major theories of the position of religion in modern societies. One striking feature of these theories is that several of them try to explain very different patterns. Some argue that the world is becoming more secular, others that it is becoming more religious, and still others that this very much depends on what “religious” and “secular” mean. Which of these assumptions about what needs to be explained did you find most plausible and compelling? Why?
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