1. While many Indigenous Peoples welcomed Stephen Harper’s apology for residential schools, what criticisms did it receive?
  2. What is the Treaty Land Entitlement process and which provinces have made the most progress in this area?
  3. What are the benefits of the admissibility of oral history in Canada’s courts?
  4. What is the history of the Caledonia Land Claims?
  5. What is the Haldimand Grant?
  6. What is the history of Ermineskin Nation and Samson Cree Nation litigation regarding oil and gas royalties?
  7. What is the Residential Schools Settlement Agreement and what is its purpose?
  8. What is the Indian Residential Schools National Truth and Reconciliation Commission?
  9. What is the Independent Assessment Process?
  10. Why was Gord Downie honoured with a special blanket ceremony and given a Lakhóta spirit name?
  11. In what way is ‘consultation’ an effective basis for promoting economic development?
  12. What was the context for the Idle No More movement and what was the significance of Chief Theresa Spence in that movement?
  13. What does the more recent focus on Indigenous Knowledge refer to? Why is the role of language important in this regard?
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