1. Why did the Northwest Territories Council have to finally restrict trapping licenses to territory residents in 1938?
  2. What were the main reasons behind the establishment of the North-West Mounted Police in the North?
  3. What were the short term and longer-term impacts of the whaling industry on the Inuit of the Arctic?
  4. What set off the Klondike Gold Rush and what was the role of Indigenous people in this event?
  5. How did the influx of gold-seekers affect Indigenous Peoples?
  6. Why was Treaty Eight signed and what were the key terms of this Treaty?
  7. What is a usufructuary right?
  8. Why were Treaties Nine, Ten, and Eleven signed and what were the key terms of these treaties?
  9. What precipitated the jurisdictional debate between the federal and Quebec governments regarding the Inuit and what was the result for the Inuit?
  10. What is the DEW line?
  11. Why did Canada decide to enact a policy of Inuit relocation?
  12. What were the short- and long-term impacts of the Inuit relocation program?
  13. What precipitated the creation of Nunavut?
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