Further Readings

Brown, Jennifer S.H. An Ethnohistorian in Rupert’s Land: Unfinished Conversations. Athabasca: Athabasca University Press, 2017.

Burton, Antoinette. The Trouble with Empire: Challenges to Modern British Imperialism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.

Chute, Janet. The Legacy of Shingwakonse. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.

Ens, Gerhard. Homeland to Hinterlands: The Changing World of the Red River Metis in the Nineteenth Century. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996.

—— and Joe Sawchuk. From New People to New Nations: Aspects of Metis History and Identity from the Eighteenth to the Twenty-first Centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015.

Foran, Timothy P. Defining Métis: Catholic Missionaries and the Idea of Civilization in Northwestern Saskatchewan, 1845–1898. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2017.

Getty, Ian L., and Antoine S. Lussier, eds. As Long As the Sun Shines and Water Flows. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1983.

Howard, James H. The Canadian Sioux. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1984.

Lutz, John Sutton. Makuk: A New History of Aboriginal White Relations. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2009.

MacLeod, Margaret, and W.L. Morton. Cuthbert Grant of Grantown. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1974.

Pannekoek, Frits. A Snug Little Flock: The Social Origins of the Riel Resistance of 1869–70. Winnipeg: Watson & Dwyer, 1991.

Reid, Jennifer. Louis Riel and the Making of Modern Canada: Mythic Discourse and the Postcolonial State. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2012.

Shore, Fred J. “The Canadians and the Métis: The Re-Creation of Manitoba, 1858–1870.” PhD thesis. University of Manitoba, 1991.


A Country by Consent - Manitoba Joins Confederation, Red River Resistance

Gabriel Dumont Institute of Native Studies and Applied Research – Métis Culture

Red River North Heritage – First Nations and Métis People of Red River Settlement (pre and post Confederation)

D’Arcy Rheault, Ontario Métis Family Records Centre - Solving the “Indian Problem” - Assimilation Laws, Practices & Indian Residential Schools

The Canadian Encyclopedia – Louis Riel

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