Chapter 19 Multiple-choice questions

Quiz Content

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. Which statutes below govern police powers? Please select all that apply.

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. Stop and search powers are regulated by which PACE Code of Practice?

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. A police officer can never stop and search a person without reasonable grounds for suspicion.

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. Which statements below accurately summarise the European Court of Human Rights' reasoning in Gillan and Quinton v UK [2010] ECHR 28 in relation to the stop and search powers in section 44 Terrorism Act 2000? The stop and search powers breached Article 8 ECHR because: Please select all that apply.

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. Which statements below accurately summarise the Court's reasoning in Beghal v Director of Public Prosecutions [2015] UKSC 49 on stop and search under Schedule 7 Terrorism Act 2000? Please select all that apply.

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. It is an offence to resist or wilfully obstruct a police officer in the execution of their duty.

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. There is no public right of peaceful assembly on the highway.

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. Select the statements below which accurately summarise the law on breach of the peace. Please select all that apply.

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. 'Kettling' did not breach Article 5 ECHR in Austin v Metropolitan Police Commissioner [2009] 1 AC 564.

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. There is no duty on the police to investigate crimes involving ill-treatment.

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