Ancillary rights

Quiz Content

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1. Which, if any, of the following situations might involve a violation of Article 14? Please select all that apply.

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2. Any significant difference in treatment between people of different 'status' that is within the ambit of a Convention right will involve a violation of Article 14.

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3. Article 15 ECHR allows States the power to 'derogate' from the Convention. Which one of the following statements describes that power?

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4. In A v Secretary of State for the Home Office [2004] UKHL 56, the House of Lords held that detention without conviction was unlawful and ordered the release of the terrorist suspects who had been so detained.

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5. Match the facts with the case.

A ban preventing a racist political party from standing in an election was upheld under the Convention.

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Article 17 means that denial of the Holocaust is not speech that the European Court of Human Rights is likely to protect under Article 10.

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A ban on a political party that won a parliamentary election was upheld. The party, if it formed the government, probably would have introduced a regime incompatible with human rights.

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The European Court of Human Rights accepted a ban on elected members of a parliament taking their seats. The elected members were associated with a previous, undemocratic regime.

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