There is no longer a margin of appreciation on the right of transsexuals to marry. National laws that confine marriage to be being between men and women, based on birth gender as recorded on a birth certificate, breach Article 12. This decision reflects scientific and attitudinal change in Europe.
UK law that limited marriage to between man and woman, as defined in terms of birth gender, could not be made compatible with Article 12 (following this case and general social pressure, same-sex marriage is now lawful by statute.)
National laws that require marriage between men and women, based on birth gender and recorded in the birth certificate, are compatible with Article 12, even though they prevent transsexual marriage. States have a margin of appreciation on the matter. Scientific and attitudinal changes in European opinion are noted.
Legal obstacles imposed on transsexual persons, even if they did not prevent marriage, were still capable of violating Article 8 (the right to private and family life).
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