Appearance and Reality

Quiz Content

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1. The "problem of the external world" is the problem of whether there exists one's own mind and its images.

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2. The theory of direct realism is that we are in direct contact with private images coming to us from the external world.

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3. One difference between "Add Some More Boils" and "Why Don't You Just Wake Up" is that in "Add Some More Boils"

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4. George Berkeley believed in the existence of

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5. Which theory denies that we always perceive physical objects by means of mental images?

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6. "One can easily imagine millions of individuals running thousands of variations on hundreds of themes, each containing billions of simulated individuals." This quotation is from

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7. "Such qualities which in truth are nothing in the objects themselves but powers to produce various sensations in us by their primary qualities." This quotation is from

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8. Wittgenstein's private language argument has been used as an argument against

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9. "How can I be dreaming? Just now, I asked my friend if I was dreaming and she said 'No.'" The problem with this argument is that

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10. The idea of the brain in the vat is to challenge

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11. George Berkeley claimed that our everyday images of objects came from

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