Race, Ethnicity, and indigenous Peoples

Roach, K. (2019). Canadian Justice, Indigenous Injustice: The Gerald Stanley and Colten Boushie Case. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. A book about the differential justice experienced by Indigenous peoples and Canadians in the Canadian justice system.

Maynard, R. (2017). Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing. A look at police and other forms of violence by the Canadian state against Black communities from the time of slavery in Canada to the present.

United Nations (October 2016). Canada: UN expert panel warns of systemic anti-Black racism in the criminal justice system. United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner. A news release from the United Nations detailing an investigation launched by a United Nations working group into anti-Black racism in the Canadian justice system.https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=20736&LangID=E

Recommended Videos

Bowles, C. (2017). Black Cop. Black Op Films. A film about an African Canadian police officer pushed to the edge after an experience with racial profiling.

Obomsawin, A. (2002). Is the Crown at War with Us. NFB. A documentary that looks at a conflict between the Canadian state and the Mi’kmaq nation over the Mi’kmaq nation’s political rights.

DuVernay, A. (2019). When They See Us. Harpo Films. A television miniseries about the racial discrimination five young men experienced in the 1980s New York justice system. 

Recommended Websites

https://www.un.org/en/events/africandescentdecade/ A United Nations web site based on an initiative promoting the International Decade for People of African Descent (2015–2024).

https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Racism/WGAfricanDescent/Pages/WGEPADIndex.aspx A web site for a working group established by the United Nations Human Rights Commission to study racial discrimination in justice systems around the world.

https://www.mmiwg-ffada.ca/ The web site for National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, a cross-country inquiry investigating the deaths and disappearances of Indigenous women and girls throughout Canada.

http://www.trc.ca/ The web site for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, an inquiry into the residential schools used by the Canadian government to assimilate Indigenous peoples. 

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