Social Inequality and Social Class

Quiz Content

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. Who founded conflict theory?

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. The statistical relationship between a parent's and child's economic standings is called ________.

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. The core difference between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, according to Marx, is their relationship to which of the following?

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. Max Weber began his theory of social inequality by looking at the distribution of what throughout society?

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. What are the two main classes in the theory of Karl Marx?

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. Which of the following is NOT one of the three types of power Weber contended determine human behaviour?

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. Capitalists want to extract the most what out of workers?

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. When creating the Low-Income Cut-Offs (LICOs), the Canadian government considers which two factors?

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. A willingness of the working-class to believe in the ideologies that support capitalists but ones that work against their own interests is what Marx referred to as what?

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. Marx distinguished between which two categories of class consciousness?

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. Social class and status are important because they shape our opportunities.

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. Ascription-based stratification systems determine an individual's rank by their ascribed characteristics such as gender.

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. Marx actively fought against the implementation of socialism.

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. People with high social class have high status according to Marx.

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. A society's mode of production creates the distinctions and relationships between classes in human societies.

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. Weber's work encourages us to think about how social class and social status are distinct and how power in human societies is wielded multi-dimensionally.

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. Marx argued that capitalism functions and continues to function through the exploitation of workers.

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. In Weber's theory, parties as a dimension power refers solely to political parties.

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. The desires of workers never conflict with the capitalists' attempts to make large profits.

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. For Marx, the government is simply a tool for capitalists to draw on to make money.

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