Social Movements

Quiz Content

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. Which of the following is an example of a public good?

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. Which one of the following answers is NOT a main element of social movements according to Charles Tilly?

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. Which one of the following answers is NOT part of the WUNC of movement members?

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. Early research about social movements argued what about their participants?

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. What is the most common form of social movements in Canada?

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. Ways of interpreting the world that allow individuals to understand and label occurrences in their daily lives are called ________.

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. Issue attention cycles are specific times when which group is more apt to become concerned about a problem?

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. Media editors' choice of a small number of protest events from a much larger pool is a process of what type of bias?

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. What do the media act as according to organizational models of the media?

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. Which term refers to using the sociological imagination to engage with a wider audience outside traditional academic circles?

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. Social movements are sustained challenges to existing holders of power in the name of a wronged population.

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. In many ways social movements are like routine politics, like the way movements seek to gain public support for their opinions and interests.

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. Conscience constituencies refer to other people who might be against the plight of a wronged population.

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. Charles Tilly believes the strength of a social movement is based on the formula W × U × M × C.

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. Social movements often fight for public goods.

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. When it comes to social movement participation, risk and cost are usually related.

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. Efficacy refers to the belief that one is incapable of the specific behaviours required to produce a desired outcome.

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. Socio-economic status (SES) is an important predictor of an individual's propensity to protest.

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. The process of framing is about selecting certain parts of the world to emphasize and others to de-emphasize.

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. Selection bias involves newspaper readers' choices to read a single story about a unique protest event out of the total number of protest events from a much larger pool.

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