Creations Genesis 1–3

Quiz Content

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. God's rest on the seventh day after creation is meant to demonstrate divine creation of the Sabbath day.

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. The title "the LORD" is a good translation for the personal name of the Israelite God.

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. The goal of source criticism is to identify, and sometimes reconstruct, separate literary strata within the Bible.

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. Enkidu is another name that appears in the Bible for the primeval watery adversary.

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. In the Gilgamesh epic, Utnapishtim and his wife are the only humans whom the gods had ever made immortal.

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. The river that flows out of Eden divides into all of the following rivers except:

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. The name "Adam" is related to the Hebrew word for:

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In the Enuma Elish, the earth is formed out of:

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. The menorah, a seven-branched candlestick of Jewish tradition, is probably a representation of _____________.

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. The primeval sea monster is also called:

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. Tiamat, the goddess of the salt waters, mixes with ______________, the god of the fresh water to create the first generation of gods.

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. In Genesis 1-2.4a, God creates the world from:

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. Immediately after the man and woman eat the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, all of the following occur, except:

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. Sabbath observance begins at:

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Enuma Elish was recited annually in Babylon during a festival celebrating the:

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