Retelling the Story of David 1–2 Chronicles and Psalms

Quiz Content

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. Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah all had the same author.

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. Chronicles does not mention any figures or events from the northern kingdom.

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. The Chronicler is the biblical term for the author of Chronicles.

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. The books of Chronicles and Psalms both share significant connections to the figure of Solomon.

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. The Psalms frequently quote Chronicles.

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. The primary source used by Chronicles was:

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. All are used heavily as sources in Chronicles except:

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. All kings in Chronicles are patterned after:

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. According to Chronicles, Solomon paid for the raw materials for the Temple with:

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. The Chronicler gives significant attention to the tribe of:

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Some scholars have conjectured that the Chronicler was a(n):

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. Psalms that contain a question-and-answer format are called:

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. The books of Psalms is divided into ________ parts.

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. The English name for the book of Psalms is derived from a Greek word for a:

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. ___________ is a mysterious Hebrew term that occurs seventy-one times in the book of Psalms but whose precise function and meaning are unknown:

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