Returns from Exile Ezra 1–2 and Isaiah 34–35 and 40–55

Quiz Content

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. After succeeding his father Labashi-Marduk to the throne, Nabonidus became the last king of Babylon.

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. Zerubbabel was a descendant of David.

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. The P source interprets the Babylonian exile as justified punishment for Israel's disobedience.

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. The D source shows an understanding of Babylonian myths and makes extensive use of them in its texts.

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. In the book of Ezra, Cyrus is commanded by God to release Israel and to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.

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. Nebuchadrezzar's son, ______________, released King Jehoiachin from prison in the first year of his reign.

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. Under the Persian empire, Judah was known as the province of:

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. During the exilic period, the _____ sources underwent a major development.

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. In 561 BCE _________ was released from a Babylonian prison, possibly reviving hopes in the restoration of the Davidic dynasty.

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. All of the following are factors that demonstrate that Second Isaiah is later than First Isaiah except:

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. In Second Isaiah, the author imagines that the procession out of exile will be led by:

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. The capital of the Persian empire was:

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. In Second Isaiah, Marduk is often referred to by the title:

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. P suggests the observance of all as a means to preserving religious identity in a foreign land except:

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. The image of Yahweh as a mother or midwife appears in all of the following except:

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