Chapter 7 Web links
Consumer Insight 7.1
Visit the following two articles to see media coverage of the Mike Sorentino and the Abercrombie and Fitch situation:
You can also visit the Abercrombie and Fitch official website and read their press release on the matter: http://www.abercrombie.co.uk/anf/investors/investorrelations.html
Consumer Insight 7.2
Visit Nicoletta Reggio’s blog here: http://www.scentofobsession.com/
A quick search on Pinterest will demonstrate how important the use of social media is to consumers: http://uk.pinterest.com/
Increasingly people are not only putting pictures of themselves up but also of their homes and this too represents another opportunity to represent the self. See for example:
My Scandinavian Home http://www.myscandinavianhome.com/ which focuses on Scandinavian homes or Come Down to the Woods https://comedowntothewoods.com/blog/, which charts the renovation of a home.
Consumer Insight 7.3
Dan Ariely has written a paper with colleagues entitled ‘The IKEA effect; when labor leads to love’ which is available here:
You can read more about the history of the cake mix and the role that Ernst Dichter (Chapter 1) played in its development here:
Consumer Insight 7.4
You can read more about the benefits of taking the stairs here:
Consumer Insight 7.5
Learn more about the Thematic Apperception Test here: http://www.minddisorders.com/Py-Z/Thematic-Apperception-Test.html