Chapter 6 Web links
Consumer Insight 6.1
The Consumer Finance Association has produced a report looking at the financial lives of adults in the UK (2017), including an examination of attitudes towards credit and debt.
Consumer Insight 6.2
Visit the Oase Outdoors website here to see their full range and appreciate how Outwell and EasyCamp serve different markets: http://www.oase-outdoors.dk/
Consumer Insight 6.3
There are numerous excellent campaigns from across the world aimed at preventing drink driving. The following list is only a sample of campaigns available:
‘Arrive alive, drive sober’. A Canadian campaign: http://www.arrivealive.org/
‘Think!’ Campaign from the UK: http://think.direct.gov.uk/
Consumer Insight 6.4
Visit the following links to read more about consumer attitudes to data and privacy
For a comparison of European consumer attitudes towards data privacy, visit this site: