Chapter 5 Web links
Consumer Insight 5.1
Visit Starbucks’ Flikr page to see how different some of the stores are: https://www.flickr.com/groups/starbucks/
Visit the Pret A Manger website and compare their branding with Starbucks: http://www.pret.com/
Consumer Insight 5.2
Visit the following clothing websites to see how these companies try to emulate the experience of physically touching clothing: http://www.asos.com/ ; http://www.kiraplastinina.com/ ; https://www.monki.com/
Consumer Insight 5.3
Visit YouTube to watch the video of American actor Isaiah Mustafa advertising Old Spice body wash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE
View this article on the campaign:
Visit this blog to look at additional examples of social media marketing in 2017/18: https://www.talkwalker.com/blog/great-social-media-campaigns-2018-marketing-strategy#
Consumer Insight 5.4
Visit the Brand Republic page to learn more about Lucozade: http://www.brandrepublic.com/News/232378/Superbrands-case-studies-Lucozade/
See also: