Chapter 4 Web links
Consumer Insight 4.1
This website is a list of the latest celebrity endorsements of ads:
This is an interesting article, claiming that some celebrity endorsements are not worth the investment:
Consumer Insight 4.2
Learn more about the Penguin Vs Puffin legal case here: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/penguin-wins-its-suit-as-puffin-gets-the-crumbs-in-battle-of-the-biscuits-1273690.html
Consumer Insight 4.3
Visit the Compare the Market website here: http://www.comparethemarket.com/
Consumer Insight 4.4
There is an official website for the Dumb Ways to Die Campaign which you can visit following this link: http://dumbwaystodie.com/
You can watch the video and learn more about the campaign.
Find out more about the campaign here: