Chapter 4 Links to selected Journals (Research Insights)
Research Insight 4.1
Source: Nunes, J.C. and Drèze, X. (2006), ‘The endowed progress effect: how artifi cial advancement increases effort’, Journal of Consumer Research, 32, 4, 504–512.
Insight: This research documents a phenomenon we call the endowed progress effect, whereby people provided with artificial advancement toward a goal exhibit greater persistence toward reaching the goal. By converting a task requiring eight steps into a task requiring 10 steps but with two steps already complete, the task is reframed as one that has been undertaken and incomplete rather than not yet begun. This increases the likelihood of task completion and decreases completion time. The effect appears to depend on perceptions of task completion rather than a desire to avoid wasting the endowed progress. Moderators include the reasons, if any, offered for the endowment and the currency in which progress is recorded.
URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/jcr.2006.32.issue-4
Research Insight 4.2
Source: Vanhuele, M., Laurent, G., and Drèze, X. (2006), ‘Consumers’ immediate memory for prices’, Journal of Consumer Research , 33, 2, 163–172.
Insight: Vanhuele et al. (2006) found two important properties in remembering prices. One was the verbal length of the price stimulus and the other was the nature of its pattern. Consumers may aid retention of prices in their memory by using different recall strategies that decrease the number of syllables they have to remember. A price of $173 may be remembered as ‘one hundred and seventy-three’, ‘one hundred seventy-three’ ‘one seventy-three, or ‘one seven three’—anything from four to eight syllables.
URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/jcr.2006.33.issue-2
Research Insight 4.3
Source: Mulhern, F. (2009), ‘Integrated marketing communications: from media channels to digital connectivity’, Journal of Marketing Communications,15, 2/3, 85–101.
Insight: Media is in the midst of a digital revolution that frees news, information and advertising from the technological limits of print and broadcast infrastructures. The digitization and networking of information transforms marketing communications into a vastly different set of practices for connecting consumers and brands. This paper overviews the transformation in media and describes the implications for integrated marketing communications (IMC) practice and scholarship.
Digital media brings about infinite reproduction of content, consumer networking, user-generated content and an expansion of media from news and entertainment to almost any technology that has a digital interface with people. The role of media in marketing communications practices shifts from the execution of message strategies into an extension of consumer understanding. Media planning, the practice of allocating a media budget across a set of vehicles, will be replaced by a dynamic, automated process that serves ads based on information streams of consumer intentions and actions. Several of the core principles of IMC – consumer insight, data-driven decision making, cross-media integration and communications with multiple stakeholders – represent an improved framework for managing communications in a digital world.
URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13527260902757506#.VE9h13efXi4
Research Insight 4.4
Source: Kerrane, B. and Hogg, M.K. (2013), ‘Shared or non-shared? Children’s different consumer socialization experiences within the family environment’, European Journal of Marketing , 47, 3/4, 506–524.
– The purpose of this paper is to examine children's consumption experiences within families in order to investigate the role that different family environments play in the consumer socialisation of children.
– Key consumer socialisation literature is reviewed and family communication patterns and parental socialisation style studies are introduced. Such studies argue for the homogenous and shared nature of the family environment for children. A three‐stage qualitative study of six families is reported, incorporating existential phenomenological interviews. The voices of children and their parents are captured, and the transcribed interview texts are analysed on two levels (within and across family cases) using a hermeneutical process.
– The findings of the study point towards the differential treatment of children within the family environment by both parents and siblings. It is proposed that children inhabit a unique position, or micro‐environment, within their family setting. Consumer micro‐environments are introduced; these have important implications in terms of children's consumption behaviour and, more importantly, their consumer socialisation process within the family setting.
Research limitations/implications
– Consumer micro‐environments have potentially important implications in any re‐evaluation of the literature on consumer socialisation, and it is suggested that children may not have equal access to socialisation advice and support offered by family members. A limited number of families and family types are recruited in this exploratory study, and scope exists to explore family micro‐environments across a greater variety of family forms.
– A series of micro‐environments, which have implications for the consumer socialisation of children, will be developed on a theoretical level. Existing consumer research views the family environment in homogenous terms, with suggestions that children are socialised by their parents in a similar manner (inhabiting a shared family environment). These findings problematise such a view and also offer insights into the role played by siblings in the consumer socialisation process.
URL: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/03090561311297436