Chapter 3 Web links
Consumer Insight 3.1
We Are Fallon is the advertising agency who created the ‘Glass and a half full’ production for Cadbury’s. You can learn more about this campaign and watch the video here:
Blink productions is the company that produced the John Lewis ‘Always a Woman’ campaign. You can watch the advert here:
Consumer Insight 3.2
This article explores the use of celebrities in SMEs: http://www.theguardian.com/small-business-network/2014/jun/26/celebrity-endorsements-promote-business-smes
This website is a collection of celebrity endorsements: http://www.celebrityendorsementads.com/celebrity-endorsements/
Consumer Insight 3.3
The BBC have produced a helpful article outlining how and why complaining via Twitter is beneficial: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-27381699
Visit Twitter and have a look at major companies’ pages to see how they respond to complaints.
View The Observer article, ‘Complain on Twitter for an instant response’ http://www.theguardian.com/money/2012/may/12/complaint-air-on-twitter
And here is another interesting site on complaining behaviour on twitter:
Consumer Insight 3.4
This Telegraph article looks at the rise in discount supermarket chains, such as Aldi: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/10955281/Savvy-British-shoppers-and-discount-stores-force-down-retail-prices.html
View the Guardian’s report on Poundland’s international growth: