Chapter 3 Web links
Consumer Insight 3.1
We Are Fallon is the advertising agency who created the ‘Glass and a half full’ production for Cadbury’s. You can learn more about this campaign and watch the video here:
Blink productions is the company that produced the John Lewis ‘Always a Woman’ campaign. You can watch the advert here:
Consumer Insight 3.2
This article explores the use of celebrities in SMEs:
This website is a collection of celebrity endorsements:
Consumer Insight 3.3
The BBC have produced a helpful article outlining how and why complaining via Twitter is beneficial:
Visit Twitter and have a look at major companies’ pages to see how they respond to complaints.
View The Observer article, ‘Complain on Twitter for an instant response’
And here is another interesting site on complaining behaviour on twitter:
Consumer Insight 3.4
This Telegraph article looks at the rise in discount supermarket chains, such as Aldi:
View the Guardian’s report on Poundland’s international growth: