Chapter 2 Web links
Consumer Insight 2.1
Read this Guardian article on nudge theory to learn more about how governments use such tactics:
This links to a pdf produced by the Local Government Association. It contains case studies and real-life examples of government initiatives:
Visit the official Lazy Town website to see more of the characters:
Consumer Insight 2.2
Read this report produced by the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee to learn more about behaviour change and how easily consumers are influenced:
Consumer Insight 2.3
Interesting article by the Guardian looking at the power of the consumer in the domain of ethical consumption:
An excellent report produced by Deloitte which looks at the growing power of consumers and also a second report examining power in the luxury goods market.
Consumer Insight 2.4
Visit the government’s website to learn about the latest plans for wind farms in the UK:
Visit the Wind Energy Facts website for facts and figures on wind energy and wind farms:
Consumer Insight 2.5
This is the website for China Internet Network Information Centre where you can learn more about social networking in China:
Visit the Ab In Bev website to learn more about their campaigns:
Red Tech Advisors is a research and advisory firm focussed on China’s ConsumerTech and ConsumerWeb sectors: