Chapter 11 Web links
Consumer Insight 11.1
Visit YouTube to see what it is like inside the Mall of America: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXfF2Sj7kms
And the Dubai Mall here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L-6rtMr7FlA
Consumer Insight 11.2
Visit You Tube to see Helio Mattar talking about conscious consumption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTwNATv5v5I
There are a number of organisations aimed at encouraging people to consume less. One of which is Buy Nothing Day: http://www.buynothingday.co.uk/
There are also various blogs which provide ideas for how to live more frugally, such as: http://theyearoflivingunofficially.com/ and www.thefrugalgirl.com
Consumer Insight 11.3
There are a whole range of websites dedicated to loaning designer goods and here are a few:
Read more about the Circle Club here: https://uk.reuters.com/article/italy-club/italys-rich-take-to-borrowing-not-owning-idUKNOA63489920061206
Consumer Insight 11.4
Visit this website to read the official UK government guidelines on advertising alcohol promotions: https://www.asa.org.uk/advice-online/alcohol-promotional-marketing.html#.VE4uT3efXi4
Read about the banning of Cell Drinks here: http://eucam.info/2011/08/05/british-advertising-standards-authority-makes-cell-withdraw-youtube-campaign/