Chapter 9 Quiz

Quiz Content

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. For most adolescents, most free time involves _______ activities.

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. Many adolescents choose to participate in _______ that are arranged by adults.

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. A readiness to commence activities because of intrinsic motivation is called

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. The experience of becoming totally absorbed in a challenging activity is known as

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. In terms of media usage, adolescents spent most of their free time

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. Research shows that high school students with part-time jobs who work moderate hours have _______ grade-point averages than students who work _______ hours.

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. According to social-cognitive theory, which of the following is not an important factor in a person's occupational choice?

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. According to Ginzburg, vocational development consists of

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. According to Ginzburg, the _______ state of vocational development is characterized by an exploration of and commitment to a vocational path.

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. According to Super, people begin to make choices related to their future work during the _______ stage of vocational development.

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. Super's _______ stage of vocational development is characterized more by discovery about oneself than about an occupation.

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. According to Holland's theory of vocational success, _______ personality types prefer situations that are explicitly defined and require few interpersonal skills, such as computer programming.

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. According to Holland's theory of vocational success, _______ personality types prefer work requiring intellectual curiosity, such as a science and mathematics.

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. According to Holland's theory of vocational success, _______ personality types prefer work involving interpersonal skills and assertiveness, such as management, law, or sales.

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. Currently, and for at least the next few years, the upward mobility of entrants into the labor force will be limited by

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. The gender gap in pay remains significant, with women earning approximately _______% of what men earn.

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. Although many women today still choose to work in traditional "pink collar" service occupations, many adolescent females expect to pursue less traditional, sex-typed occupations. Which of the following in not one of the characteristics of these young women?

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. The acronym STEM in "STEM courses" is short for

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. A counseling technique that focuses on individuals' explanations for anticipated career-related successes or failures is known as

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. A counseling technique that confronts individuals with their irrational beliefs about career decision-making is known as

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. _______ thinking is the belief that there is one correct solution (the truth) to a problem, regardless of one's frame of reference, whereas _______ thinking involves an awareness of different frames of reference by which ideas or problems may be evaluated.

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. According to Belenky and associates, females with _______ knowledge engage in a covert examination of issues while maintaining a surface conformity to traditional ideas.

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. According to Belenky and associates, females with _______ knowledge show independent thought that is nonetheless limited to a single frame of reference.

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