Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Questions

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. Which of the following is least often true for a good-quality single crystal of a material with a fully ordered structure?

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. Which of the following is least likely to improve the precision of a set of diffraction data and the resulting crystal structure determination?

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. Absorption reduces the intensity of diffracted X-rays by a factor e-mt, where m is the absorption coefficient for the crystal, measured in mm-1, and t is the path length of X-rays through the crystal in mm. While an accurate calculation for an absorption correction involves integrating over the crystal shape, an estimate of the impact of absorption can be obtained by finding the ratio of the exponential factors for the smallest and largest crystal dimensions. What is this ratio for a crystal with minimum and maximum dimensions of 0.05 and 0.5 mm and an absorption coefficient of 2 mm-1?

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. For which of the following compounds would a Patterson synthesis probably be least useful in attempts to solve the crystal structure?

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. Which is the correct method to use to solve the structure of a high-symmetry carbonyl cluster complex of osmium for which preliminary unit cell calculations indicate that molecules lie on special positions at the intersection of various symmetry elements?

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. Which of the following is not a standard use of difference Fourier maps in crystal structure determination?

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. Why do all the F, N, and C atoms not show up clearly in the first electron density map calculated from the model structure containing just As atoms in Fig. 2.17(a)?

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. Refinement of this ionic nitrogen-sulfur chain structure with anisotropic displacement parameters for all non-H atoms, and ignoring H atoms, involves about 150 refined parameters. Why is this considerably lower than 9 times the number of atoms (24) in the asymmetric unit?

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. For three crystal structures of chiral compounds (A, B, and C), the refined absolute structure parameters are 0.02, 0.2, and 0.47, with standard uncertainties of 0.03, 0.5, and 0.05, respectively. What can be deduced about the absolute configuration in each case?

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. Which of the following information is least likely to be available for a crystal structure from its entry in the relevant database?

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