Quiz Content

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. Smith thinks that the ability to trade is a capacity found in:

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. Ciulla states, "When it comes to work, __________ has freedom of choice, but not everyone has __________."

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. This philosopher argues that one's labor is an extension of one's body:

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. Marx might say you are alienated from your labor if you:

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. Rawls says that "the principles of justice are chosen behind a veil of ignorance." This means:

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. According to Pascal, tyranny is exemplified by which of the following cases?

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. Nozick argues that theories of distributive justice all share the same problem, which is:

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. A "patterned" principle of justice is one that:

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. Locke's proviso is intended to limit:

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. Kristol says that a just society:

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. The "important fact" that Hayek refers to as one that most people find difficult to admit is that:

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. Why does Beining think that the extremely rich "should give a lot of it back"?

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. Distributive justice is essentially concerned with punishment.

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. Smith believes that what separates a genius from a common man is natural talents.

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. Ciulla claims that workers have many more options for employment than what we might initially believe.

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. Rawls insists that free exchange is at the heart of justice.

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. According to Walzer, there is nothing wrong in principle if persuasive and helpful people are accorded more political power than others.

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. Nozick believes that only a minimal state can be justified.

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. Kristol thinks that "social justice" is fully compatible with capitalism.

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. McEntee thinks that comparing different kinds of jobs, like a secretary and a truck driver, is not possible.

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. Beining's article makes the point that extreme differences between rich and poor are damaging to democracy.

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