Quiz Content

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. Calculate the Larmor frequency for a proton in a magnetic field of 1 T.

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. The Larmor frequency of an unknown nucleus detected in a Q-band hyperfine measurement (at Bres = 1.205 T) was 7.8764 MHz. Identify the unknown nucleus.

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. Calculate the strength of the B2 field resulting in a 90° pulse length of 5 μs for a proton.

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. Calculate the frequencies of the two ENDOR transitions shown in Fig. 9.2(d) for a 15N nucleus given a = 10 MHz, assuming the spectrum was recorded on an X-band spectrometer (0.35 T).

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. Calculate the pulse duration time required for a 90° and 180° flip angle for an electron in a MW field of 10 mT.

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. Given that the Fourier transformed 3-pulse ESEEM spectrum shown in Fig. 9.9(d) was recorded at X-band frequency, identify the likely nucleus responsible for the coupling.

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. In a Mims-ENDOR experiment, the ENDOR efficiency can be estimated by . For values of n = 0, 1, 2,… the maximum and minimum efficiencies will occur for τ values of:

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. Calculate the resonance frequencies of the two peaks expected in the Q-band 31P Davies ENDOR spectrum of the nucleotide guanosine-5’-diphosphate (GDP) bound to MnII, assuming g = giso = 2.007 for the MnII - 31P centre and given Paiso = 10 MHz.

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. An S = I = ½ two spin system in a disordered matrix with an axial hyperfine tensor produces a broad set of features in the X-band HYSCORE spectrum. Given aiso = 4 MHz, T = 5 MHz, and I = ½ for a proton, estimate 1) the overall width of the ridges, and 2) the overall maximum curvature of the ridges for the weakly coupled system.

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. The EPR spectrum of a trans d1 M(CO4)(PPh3)2 complex produces an axial g tensor with g1 = 2.045 and g2,3 = 2.002. The 31P hyperfine values were found to be aiso = 2.36 MHz and T = 0.5 MHz. Calculate the frequencies of the 31P ENDOR transitions at X-band when the hyperfine spectrum is recorded at the two field positions of Bres corresponding to g1 = 2.045 and g2,3 = 2.002.

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