Quiz Content

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. Calculate the approximate g values for the low spin d5 Fe3+ ion shown in Fig. 6.10.

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. Calculate the approximate spin Hamiltonian parameters (g and A) for the square pyramidal Cu2+ ion shown in Fig. 6.6(b).

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. Calculate the approximate spin Hamiltonian parameters (g and A) for the low spin [Cr(CO)4(dppe)]+ complex shown in Fig. 6.13(b).

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. The predicted g and A values for a d9 metal (M) complex of cis-M(CO)4X2 with C2v symmetry are:

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. The predicted g values for the [MoIV=O(L)5] complex are:

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. The dihedral angle (φ) for the radical can be calculated using the anisotropic hyperfine values given in exercise 6.5 (Axx = ±18.1; Ayy = ±17.7 Azz = ±22.4 mT). Calculate the approximate value for φ.

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. The predicted g values for the diatomic ClO- radical are:

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. The anisotropic hyperfine parameters for the 17O2- radical were found to be Axx = -7.63, Ayy = +0.72, Azz = +0.83 mT. Using this information, calculate the isotropic and dipolar components of the hyperfine tensor.

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. The anisotropic g and A values for a surface stabilised N2- radical were found to be gxx = 2.0018, gyy = 2.0042, gzz = 1.9719, Axx = -0.29, Ayy = +2.15, Azz = -0.42 mT. Using this information, calculate the s and total p orbital spin densities on14N (given A0 = 64.6 mT and b0 = 3.962 mT):

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. Which one of the following statements is true:

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