Quiz Content

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. Calculate the anisotropic g values for the axial paramagnetic centre shown in Fig. 5.9c.

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. For the 2 x 2 matrix M = , find the inverse M-1 in terms of a.

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. Calculate the product of the following row, square matrix and column vector:

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. A surface paramagnetic defect in photo-irradiated TiO2 produces an axial g tensor with the values = 2.005 and = 2.002. Calculate the Bres value for an applied magnetic field angle of θ = 25° with respect to the unique z axis (ν = 9.5 GHz).

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. The C2O2- radical anion possesses a rhombic g tensor with resonant field values of 1210.9, 1211.5 and 1213.3 mT at 34 GHz. Calculate the g values of the anion.

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. A Cu(II)-bis(salicylaldoxime) complex bearing two strongly coordinated 14N nuclei produces the quadrupole values Pzz = -1.15, Pyy = 0.70, Pxx = 0.45 MHz in a hyperfine spectrum. Calculate the asymmetry parameter (η) and the quantity e2qQ/h.

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. A surface trapped electron centre interacts with a nearby hydroxyl group on a metal oxide surface producing a quasi isotropic g value ≈ ge. Given the principal 1H hyperfine values were found to be A1 = -2.5, A2 = -2.5, A3 = 8 MHz, estimate the electron-proton distance.

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. The average distance between the equivalent equatorial protons and the unpaired electron in a vanadyl-pentaaqua complex, [VOII(H2O)5], is 3.7 x 10-10 m. Given that aiso = 1.5 MHz and assuming the point dipole is a valid approximation, estimate the likely magnitude of the 1H hyperfine A values.

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. For the rhombic spin system shown in Fig. 5.5, calculate the g value expected in the single crystal EPR spectrum when the orientation of B relative to the g frame is given by θ = 45° and φ = 30°.

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. For the rhombic spin system shown in Fig. 5.5, determine the values of θ and φ that will produce a peak in the single crystal EPR spectrum with g = 2.002.

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