Quiz Content

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. A silyl radical bearing an Si-H· fragment has a g value of 2.0033 and a pair of lines separated by 15.5 MHz. Express the splitting in units of mT, Gauss and cm-1.

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. A Cu(II) metal ion (giso = 2.12) produces four lines with a separation of 500 MHz between each line. Express the hyperfine splitting in field units of mT and the hyperfine coupling in units of wavenumbers.

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. A PO3- radical produces a pair of lines separated by 280 MHz with giso = 2.005. Calculate the expected resonant field positions of both lines in the X-band EPR spectrum (ν = 9.5 GHz).

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. The X-band (9.5 GHz) EPR spectrum of a matrix isolated Na atom reveals four hyperfine lines with resonant field positions of 3074 G, 3174 G, 3274 G and 3374 G. Calculate the g value of the atom.

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. Calculate the magnetic moment (μI) of a 13C nucleus.

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. Calculate the polarization of a proton in a magnetic field of 335 mT and 10.5 T at 298 K.

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. The number of allowed energy levels for the 55Mn nuclide are:

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. The magnetic moment (μI) of an unknown nuclide is 2.884 x 10-27 J T-1. Given the nuclear spin is known to be 1, identify the unknown nuclide.

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. Which one of the following statements is true:

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. Calculate the magnetic field responsible for the polarization of 2.5 x 10-6 for 13C at 298 K.

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