The following list is not intended to be a comprehensive list of websites covering Criminal Law matters but it does contain those which would generally be regarded as particularly useful.

British and Irish Legal Information Institute (BAILII)
BAILII provides free access to a comprehensive set of British and Irish legal materials. It includes over 76 databases covering seven jurisdictions.

Crown Prosecution Service
This website provides free access to a range of material, including reports of the CPS Code for Prosecutors, Charging Standards and policy documents (which can provide a useful source of statistics).

European Court of Human Rights
This website contains general information and judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. It provides a link to HUDOC, the searchable database for the case law of the European Court of Human Rights at

Home Office
This website includes the text of publications and research materials, and often the text of the government?s responses to criminal law issues.

Law Commission
This website provides free access to Law Commission Reports and Consultation Papers, as well as information about Law Commission projects in progress.

LexisNexis Butterworths
This subscription service provides access to a wide range of materials, including access to All England Reports, to the All England Reporter, to updated versions of legislation, and journal articles.

Ministry of Justice
This website includes information about the operation of the justice system, including the criminal courts.

Office of Public Sector Information
This website provides free access to all Acts of Parliament from 1988 onwards and to some Acts from 1937-1987 and statutory instruments (from 1987 onwards). Explanatory notes are also available free with Acts of Parliament (from 1999) and with statutory instruments.

Official Documents
This website provides free access to all Command Papers and House of Commons Papers from May 2005 onwards, and to a selection of key papers produced before that time.

Supreme Court
This website provides the text of judgments recently given by the Supreme Court. For other judgments of the supreme court see

UK Government
This website provides free access to Government information. It can provide a starting point in respect of the Government?s response to criminal law issues.

UK Parliament
This website includes the latest drafts of Bills currently before Parliament. It also has Hansard (Parliamentary debates) for both the House of Commons (from 1988) and House of Lords (from 1995).

Westlaw UK
This subscription service provides access to a wide range of materials, including full-text transcripts of the decisions of the Supreme Court, House of Lords and Court of Appeal since 1999 and selected decisions of the High Court since then, to updated versions of legislation and to journal articles.

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