Quiz Content

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. 'The rule of law means _________ is/are subject to the law in open court proceedings.' Which word or phrase most accurately completes this sentence?

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. Which of the following are universal principles of the rule of law, according to the World Justice Project Rule of Law Index? (Select all that apply.)

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. Which of the following is not included in the traditional constitutional principle of separation of powers?

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. 'It is possible to achieve absolute judicial independence.' True or false?

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. What is the term used to describe the fact that, once appointed, a judge's position is essentially guaranteed until they retire?

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. Which type of criminal offence can only be tried in the Magistrates' Courts?

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. Which of the following is another term for the principle of 'fair procedure'?

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. Which of the following can be used to describe the mistaken conviction of an innocent person?

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. Which of the following principles of the rule of law and the due process model have shifted over recent years? (Select all that apply.)

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. In 1843, what did Jeremy Bentham refer to as 'the very soul of Justice'?

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. What category of rights does Art. 3 of the HRA come under? This right forbids the use of torture on and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment of a person.

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. What is the other name for 'special' or 'limited' rights?

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. Which former Prime Minister said the idea of prisoners getting the right to vote made them feel 'physically sick'?

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. In the case of Gäfgen v Germany (2010), which provision of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR) was deemed to have been breached?

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. What is the name given to a justice system with showpiece trials where the parties can win and lose their cases?

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. Which term refers to the requirement that the defence provide the prosecution with a statement that sets out the nature of the proposed defence, plus indications of any points of law likely to be raised?

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. Some scholars regard criminal justice in the UK as 'adversarialism lite' (Cape, 2010). Which of the following provide(s) evidence for this claim? (Select all that apply.)

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. The inquisitorial justice process emphasises the importance of…

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. Which of these countries have widely implemented restorative justice principles in their criminal justice systems? (Select all that apply.)

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. Which of these is currently the most visible and frequently implemented restorative justice response?

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. 'In the last thirty years, the prison populations in countries that have adopted many restorative justice practices in their criminal justice systems have ____________.' What is the missing word or phrase?

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