Quiz Content

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. '"Crime" is socially constructed.' True or false?

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. 'In the UK, there are no situations in which the use of cannabis is legal.' True or false?

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. Who decides what constitutes 'crime'? (Select all that apply.)

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. Who or what else can have a significant influence on the construction of crime? (Select all that apply.)

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. 'Killing someone is not always a criminal offence.' True or false?

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. Which one of the following statements best describes social control?

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. Which one of the following statements best describes social deviance?

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. Which theorist saw deviance as a normal and necessary part of people living together in social groups and thought that a certain level of deviance was an indication of a healthy society?

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. Who wrote that '… the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilised community against his will is to prevent harm to others'?

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. Which of the following theorists argued for the criminal law to be used in order to protect the moral standards of a society?

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. 'A criminal law that is designed to protect the participant from themselves is ______.' What is the missing word?

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. What is the main limitation of the harm principle?

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. Many criminal laws regulate actions and objects in order to prevent potential harm. Which of the following are regulated or prohibited in the UK for this reason? (Select all that apply.)

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. What problems can arise when we thoughtlessly apply the principles of protection from harm and the protection of values when deciding whether actions should be criminalised? (Select all that apply.)

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. 'Human rights recognise that those acting on behalf of states cannot offend.' True or false?

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. What is the Schwendinger approach?

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. Which of the following phrases could be used to describe the criminal law? (Select all that apply.)

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. Which of the following is the best description of what zemiologists study?

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. 'It is universally recognised that all societies need the criminal law in order to hold people to account and punish them.' True or false?

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