Further reading suggestions: Chapter 22

Further reading suggestions: Chapter 22

  • Smith, R. (2015) ‘’Troubled’, Troubling or Troublesome? Troubled families and the Changing Shape of Youth Justice’ in Wasik, M. and Santatzoglou, S. (eds) The Management of Change in Criminal Justice, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
    An analysis and critique of the role played by the recent government Troubled Families initiative in reshaping early intervention and promoting the family itself as a responsibilised vehicle for crime prevention.

  • Weisburd, D., Farrington, D. and Gill, C. (eds) (2016) What Works in Crime Prevention and Rehabilitation: Lessons from Systematic Reviews, New York, Springer
    This book brings together a number of overarching reviews of the empirical findings as to what ‘works’ in preventing crime, across a range of headings, including policing, drug treatment, and developmental prevention.

  • Gill, M. (ed) (2005) Crime at Work: Studies in Security and Crime Prevention, Vol 1, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
    Another collection offering insights into crime prevention strategies and their effectiveness, but interestingly this volume includes a number of chapters reporting the offender perspective on prevention, including ‘Robbers on robbery’, for example.

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