Chapter 14 Multiple choice questions

Mental capacity and adult safeguarding

Quiz Content

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. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) was established via the Law Commission Report No.231 and it seeks to do which of the following? (there is more than one correct answer)

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. The MCA provides a test for assessing capacity of a person who has been identified as unable to make a particular decision at a particular time (section 3), which of the following is NOT part of the test?

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. The MCA states in section 4 that any decision made on behalf of a person who lacks capacity must be made in their 'best interests', (this was further supported by case law – Re P 2009) what does making decisions in someone's best interests mean?

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. Section 5 of the MCA provides 'protection from liability' to carers and professionals who intervene in the life of a person who lacks capacity; i.e. it protects them from possible prosecution and liability arising in connection with the individuals care and treatment. What types of interventions are protected by section 5 of the Act? (There are two examples to identify)

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. There is a key issue within the MCA which ensures that even where a person lacks capacity to make a decision they should be involved in the decision-making process, who else (other than the professionals) might be involved in the decision-making process?

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. What does the acronym IMCA mean?

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. The MCA enables a person who has capacity to choose a person to make decisions on their behalf when they lose capacity to make their own decisions; this is known as giving a person Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA); what does this empower the person with LPA to do on behalf of the incapacitated person?

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. Adult Safeguarding has been an area often overlooked in legislation, the Care Act 2014 made efforts to address this, which section focuses on the statutory duty of a Local Authority to make enquiries into a situation where a person is or may be at risk or unable to protect themselves from abuse or neglect?

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. The Care Act (2014) Section 43 establishes a statutory duty for Local Authorities to have Safeguarding Adults Boards (SAB), they carry out Safeguarding Adult Reviews (under Section 44) what events must occur or be occurring for these reviews be arranged?

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. The Soham murders (2002) where Holly Wells and Jessica Chapman were murdered by school caretaker Ian Huntley, led to which piece of safeguarding legislation?

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. The Domestic Abuse Bill is at the time of writing going through Parliament, according to Home Office statistics published in 2019 how many victims of domestic abuse were recorded in England and Wales?

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. Addressing domestic abuse is challenging and one way to manage offences is through use of the Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (DVDS) also known as 'Clare's Law' what procedures does this process set out?

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